Check out these dates – During WWI, Jerusalem fell to the British Empire’s Egyptian Expeditionary Force on December 9, 1917; having taken it from the Ottoman Turks; an action that led to the end of WWI, and the eventual defeat and dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire between the years 1922-24. General Allenby entered the Old City section of Jerusalem—on foot via the Jaffa Gate on December 11, 1917. This action ended the tenure of the seventh head (Islamic Empire) on the God-opposing “leopard/bear/lion” beast of Revelation 13:1; an action that adequately describes the Islamic Caliphate's demise by the “sword” of war (cf. Rev. 13:3, 12b, 14b). Unfortunately, the seventh empire/head was also prophesied to be healed from its deadly wound. During the course of its revival, the tripartite “leopard/bear/lion” composite “Beast” (cf. Daniel 7:12) was resurrected "for a season and a time" as the eighth head on the God-opposing imperial beast. It became known as the Islamic State (Caliphate) that was declared alive again on Ramadan, June 29, 2014. This declaration was followed by the public appearance of self-appointed Caliph Ibrahim during his Friday sermon on July 4, 2014. Revelation 13:2–5 indicates that “the dragon… gave authority to the beast… to continue (to make war—as in the past), for forty–two months.” This forty–two month period of "authority” given to the Caliphate was due to expire on December 31, 2017. NOTE THIS – On December 9/10, 2017, the P.M. of Iraq declared that the war with ISIS in Iraq was over, just as Russia had declared two days earlier that the war with ISIS in Syria was over. December 9, is the 100 year anniversary of Allenby’s capture of Jerusalem from the Ottoman Caliphate. Its revived successor—Islamic State—has thus been declared defeated on the same date.
However, this does not mean that the revived God-opposing eighth (Beast Caliphate/Empire) has disappeared—it means that the period of "authority" for it to act as a Caliphate has expired (i.e., it had lost its land and Capital). However, later in Revelation 16 we see that “three unclean spirits like frogs” come out of the mouth of the (satanic) dragon, the leader of the beast/empire, and its (religious) false prophet, “…which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty… And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.” (Rev. 16:13–16) Obviously, although these entities have lost their authority as a Caliphate, they are still around to initiate another World War! BUT - Revelation 16:15 occurs in the middle of the quotation above - "Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches..." April 26th , 2018
Saudi Arabia… Mecca… Latter-day Babylon? Why was Saudi Arabia not included in the maps showing the end time beast? The primary reason is that Arabia was never part of the ancient Babylonian (lion), Persian (bear), or Grecian (leopard) Empires. Territorial parts of these ancient empires are combined in Revelation 13:1-2 to form the revived tripartite (leopard/bear/lion) Beast Empire (Caliphate) that is prophesied to rise up from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in the latter-days. As mentioned in my previous update, the revived Islamist Caliphate (ISIS) was given “authority to continue for forty-two months.” This period began on 29th June 2014 and ended on 9/10th December 2017, in the 42nd month of its tenure. Although delegitimised and disempowered as a Caliphate (with no Capital or country), it is still a viable and dangerous entity. It should be noted that the “great city” is yet to be destroyed by the ‘beast powers,’ and they have yet to gather the kings of the earth to the battle of Armageddon (Rev.16:13–16). It appears that Saudi Arabia is destined to fulfil a different role in the end times; i.e., that of providing the finance, and impetus for constructing and re-creating “Mystery Babylon, the great city.” The photos at these websites are several years old. This developing “great city” is scheduled to be destroyed by the beast caliphate and its ten associated terrorist groups (Rev.17:15–18). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ However, the Bible indicates that in addition to the revived Caliphate and its ten affiliate groups, additional marauding forces are at large in the end time. These forces are of particular relevance to Israel. The information in Daniel 11:40-45 shows that “at the time of the end” a "king of the North" (i.e., a latter-day fulfilment of the ancient Grecian-Seleucid prophecy) will arise. This latter-day "king of the North" is identifiable as the mounting Shi’a alliance between Iran/Iraqi/Syria and Hezbollah (Lebanon); nations that occupy the same territories held historically by the Seleucid Empire. According to Daniel, this northern power will—after provocation by the “king of the South” (Southern alliance)—advance south and “enter” many countries until the "king of the North" has “power over the treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; also the Libyans and Ethiopians shall follow at his heels.” (Dan. 11:43). Recent news bulletins indicate that this Southern alliance is being formed by Sunni Saudi Arabia and Israel. Jordan and Egypt (adjoining Sunni countries) will not be far behind. It is interesting to note that in Daniel’s prophecy, the King of the North (aka “Axis of Resistance”) is goaded into retaliating after suffering persistent attacks by the King of the South. This week Iran vowed to retaliate against Israel for its recent bombing of its arms storage facilities in Syria. Daniel 11:40 is being fulfilled!
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